07 Days Weather Report In Punjab 2023

07 Days Weather Report In Punjab 2023
7 day weather report for Punjab
The weather in Punjab today will be mostly sunny with a high of 94 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 71 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
The weather in Punjab will be mostly sunny tomorrow with a high of 95 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 72 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
The weather in Punjab will be mostly sunny on Friday, with a high of 96 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 73 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
The weather in Punjab will be mostly sunny on Saturday, with a high of 97 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 74 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
The weather in Punjab will be mostly sunny on Sunday, with a high of 98 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 75 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
Punjab’s weather on Monday will be mostly sunny with a high of 99 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 76 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
The weather in Punjab on Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a high of 100 degrees Fahrenheit and a low of 77 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a 0% chance of precipitation.
Prediction accuracy
The forecast accuracy for Punjab is 90%. This means that there is a 90% chance that the weather will be as predicted.
Additional information
Humidity in Punjab is expected to be around 60%. Wind speeds are expected to be around 10 miles per hour. The UV index is expected to be high, so it’s important to wear sunscreen and protective clothing when outside.
Tips for comfort
Here are some tips to stay comfortable in the hot weather in Punjab:
Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day.
Wear loose, light-colored clothing.
Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Take cold showers or baths. Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible.

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