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AIOU Admission Schedule

AIOU Admission Schedule

Allama Iqbal University (AIOU) Has Announced The Admission Schedule For Spring  2022




Brief History

The Allama Iqbal Open University was laid out in May, 1974, with the principle goals of giving instructive chances to masses and to the individuals who can’t leave their homes and occupations. During every one of these previous years, the University has more than satisfied this guarantee.


It has opened up instructive open doors for the functioning individuals and has given admittance to the females on their entryway steps. It has likewise accomplished spearheading work in the field of Mass Education. It is currently breaking new grounds in the fields of expert, logical, and specialized training. It is endeavoring to connect with the remotest areas of Pakistan. It is likewise endeavoring to saddle current data Technology for spreading instruction in Pakistan.


Distance Education was first mooted in UK in late 60s by the British Prime Minister, Mr. Harold Wilson. He was of the view, that instructive open doors should be given to the individuals who could have missed better training because of early business and wish to redesign, their insight and abilities, in their extra times in the nights at home. The UK Open University was, in this manner laid out in 1969. From that point forward it has turned into a significant organization of learning in UK and has opened up potential open doors for a large number of working individuals. The good news of distance and Open Learning has, from that point forward spread all through the world. In excess of sixty Open Universities are working all over the planet based on Distance Education. Present day data Technology has made the undertaking of Distance Education considerably more straightforward and compelling.






The AIOU, when laid out in 1974, was the second Open University on the planet and first in Asia and Africa. It, along these lines, talks about the prescience of the arrangement creators of that time. As these previous long stretches of AIOU have demonstrated, Distance Education has opened up new open doors for millions, especially ladies, and enhanced the endeavors of the bureaucratic and commonplace state run administrations incredibly and that too without turning into a weight on their assets.


Distance Education expected more prominent significance and acknowledgment in Pakistan because of the variables of neediness and relative hardship of ladies. The pace of proficiency, rate of dropouts, and abundance to advanced education is a lot of lower in the less fortunate classes of Pakistan. The frequency of destitution is a lot higher in the provincial regions, where formal training is considerably less settled. The pace of proficiency and instruction is a lot of lower for females in Pakistan, especially in the country regions, because of destitution and moderate customs. Numerous moderate guardians under the strain of advanced age customs don’t permit their girls to go out to the schools. The AIOU, through its arrangement of Distance Education has, accordingly, gave instructive open doors to these housebound young ladies and ladies. This makes sense of the justifications for why most of the understudies enlisted with the University are females.


Recently, the University is attempting to satisfy another present need. Expert and specialized instruction in Pakistan is turning out to be exorbitant, particularly as of late, in view of government strategy to energize private area in these fields. The lower working class and more unfortunate classes are being minimized and their youngsters have almost no opportunity to get high training in fields like Business Administration, Computer Science, Medicine and Engineering. The AIOU is endeavoring to address this difficulty and to keep a window open for these classes by keeping the expenses at the base and by making a Student Assistance Fund.


The Allama Iqbal Open University was laid out in May 1974 under Act No. XXXIX passed by the Parliament of Pakistan. It was at first named as the People’s Open University, renamed as Allama Iqbal Open University in 1977 at the night before the main century of the public writer and thinker, Allama Muhammad Iqbal. The possibility of an “open college” was given the articulation of wide standards in the Education Policy of 1972-80, in these words:

“Open Universities are being utilized in a few nations to give schooling and preparing to individuals who can’t leave their homes and occupations for all day review. An open college will, subsequently, be laid out to give parttime instructive offices through correspondence courses, instructional exercises, classes, studios, research centers, TV and radio stations and other mass correspondence media… .”



The principle goals of the University as articulated in the Act are as under:


To give instructive offices to individuals who can’t leave their homes and occupations in such way as it might decide.

To give such offices to the majority for their instructive elevate as it might decide.

To give offices to the preparation of instructors in such way as it might decide.

To accommodate guidance in such parts of learning innovation or jobs as it might consider fit, and to make arrangement for research and for the progression and scattering of information in such way as it might decide.

To hold assessments and to grant and present degrees, recognitions, endorsements and other scholarly qualifications.

Notable Features

Allama Iqbal Open University, since its foundation has been giving and growing its instructive and preparing offices to help working individuals and females to upgrade their capability and word related abilities. Primary elements of AIOU might be depicted as under: Institutional Profile


Working semester framework offered double a year for example Spring and Autumn.

The greatest college in the country with normal understudy enrolment of more than 1.2 million every year.

In excess of 2000 courses being advertised.

9 provincial grounds, 33 local communities, 41 supported concentrate on places (for up close and personal projects) and 138 parttime local planning workplaces.

1172 Study Centers are laid out all through Pakistan.

The biggest distributing house in Pakistan printing over 1.8 million books every year.

More accentuation on science and innovation by presenting programs in disciplines like Physics, Agriculture Extension, Livestock Management and Nutrition, Forestry Extension, Computer Science. Teaming up with private area in laying out concentrate on focuses to give instructing and reasonable preparation in the fields of Computer Science and Management Sciences.

The biggest Teacher Education foundation in Pakistan with normal enrolment of over 400,000 Students The main college in Pakistan to lay out the understudy Database.

Computerization at principle grounds and the locales by arrangement of around 700 PCs.

Arrangement of systems administration offices between the principle grounds and the locale to trade information/data and redressal of understudies’ grievances.

Arrangement of Internet administration at the fundamental grounds.

Coordinated effort with Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) for giving lab offices to AIOU understudies.

Foundation of Resource Center for Basic Functional Education (principally for unskilled people), Literacy and Post Literacy materials.

Trailblazer organization in Pakistan to offer post-graduate level projects in Special Education.

The main establishment in the nation offering post-graduate projects in Educational Planning and Management.

Presentation of Master’s, M.Phil and Ph.D. projects to foster experts and improve research capacities in instructing and research organizations.

Deeply grounded Institute of Educational Technology (IET) having in-house offices for creation of TV, Radio and non-broadcast programs.

“AIOU Magazine” is an ordinary TV program created in IET studios and broadcast fortnightly from PTV-National on the first and the third Mondays of every month. This component program incorporates reports of most recent intellectual and co-curricular exercises occurring during the month. The college is having its own FM radio and live FM radio transmission are being made accessible for AIOU understudies. (Bad habit Chancellor’s Annual Report 2012 Pg.# 157)

Foundation of Endowment Fund with starting sum Rs.15 million, in 1997, presently came to over Rs.4 Billion (Vice Chancellor’s Annual Report 2012 Pg.# 194) utilized for the improvement exercises like:


Staff improvement.

Acquisition of land for provincial focuses, development of inns for understudies

Development of structures of local focuses, scholastic squares, multipurpose focus with 43 buidlings (claimed/leased/rented)

Systems administration of areas with the primary grounds.

Laying out information base at the principle grounds.

Acquisition of furniture, transport for understudies.

Foundation of understudies help asset to help meriting understudies in installment of charges.

Arrangement of free training in the University for its workers and their children and girls


Understudy Profile

In excess of 70% understudies utilized.

Female enrolment in excess of 50%.

The rustic metropolitan dispersion of the understudies 58% and 42% separately.

No age limit for enrolment in University programs.

An understudy can go on at his own speed from one semester to another.

At present an enormous number of customer base is in SSC, Intermediate, Bachelor and Teacher Education porgrammes. Anyway throughout the previous few years the college has been underscoring more on advanced education.

AIOU has the office accessible for students to select for the course(s) of his decision at a specific level.


Acquired UNESCO NOMA grant and Raja Roy Sing grant for creative procedures for bestowing education to the rustic masses

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