Ban On posting & Transfer Punjab – Latest Notification 2023

Ban On posting & Transfer Punjab – Latest Notification 2023
Islamabad the 22nd January, 2023
F.No.2(1)/2023-Cord.- WHEREAS, the Provincial Assemblies of Punjab and
Khyber Pakhtunhwa under Article 112 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan stand dissolved on 14th and 18th January, 2023 respectively.
AND WHEREAS, the Election Commission of Pakistan is mandated with the
constitutional duty to organize and conduct elections in terms of Article 218(3) of the
Constitution and to make such arrangements as are necessary to ensure that the
Eiections are conducted honestly, justly, fairly and in accordance with the law and that
corrupt practices are guarded against
AND WHEREAS, it has become imperative that the Election Commission shall
take all necessary steps under the Constitution and prevalent law for smooth conduct of
General Elections to the Provincial Assemblies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred upon it under Articles
218(3), 220 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Sections 4, 5, 8(c)
read with Section 230 of the Elections Act, 2017 and as supported by the vvorkers Parny
case through Akhtar Hussain Advocate, General Secretary and 6 others versus Federal of Pakistan and 2 others reported in PLD 2012 SC 681, and all the other powers enaong
it in that behalf, the Election Commission of Pakistan, to ensure transparent election and
to provide a level playing field for all contesting candidates and political parties, herepy
directs the Caretaker Governments of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-
a 0 assist the Election Commission to hold elections in accordance with law as
provided under section 230(1)(b) of the Elections Act, 2017.

(D)1o ensure the compliance of all the notifications, directives and the provisions
as laid down in Section 230 of the Act ibid.
(C)Not to post or transter any public official after the issuance of this notification
wIthin and to / from Punjab & Khyber Pakhtunkhwa without prior approval in
writing of the Election Commission as laid down in Clause 2(f) of Section 230 of
the Elections Act, 2017.
(a) Ensure that all kinds of recruitments in any Ministry, Dvision, Department or
Institution under the Provincial Governments and Local Governments of Punjab
and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are banned with immediate efect, except
recruitments by the Provincial Public Service Commissions and those
government organizations where test/ interviews have already been conducted
before this day.
( Not to announce / execute any kind of Development Schemes in Punjab and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provinces except those which are ongoing and approvedd
before the issuance of this notification. Moreover, the Provincial Governments
and Local Governments of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa shall not ISsue
tenders of such schemes till culmination of General Elections of both
Cord leten 2021 General Cets
(f) All development funds relating to Local Government institutions of Punjab and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Cantonment Boards falling in the jurisdiction of
Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa shall stand frozen with immediate effect till
announcement of results of the said General Elections.
To ensure immediate termination of services of all heads of the institutions
appointed on political basis and to send their lists to the Commission forthwith.
To ensure vacation of the government residential facilities from Ex-Chief
Ministers and their advisors, Ex-Provincial Ministers and Ex-Members of the
Provincial Assemblies of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, besides ensuring
withdrawal of official vehicles from them. Furthermore, the dignitaries shall be
provided security / protocol as per their entitlement and any extra deployment
of security / protocol be withdrawn from them forthwith.
(i) The Caretaker Governments shall perform their functions and attend to day-to-
day matters which are necessary to run the affairs of the Provinces in
accordance with law.

(i) The Chief Minister or a Minister or any other member of Caretaker Governments
shall, within three days from the date of assumption of office, submit to the
Commission, a statement of assets and liabilities including assets and liabilities
of his spouse and dependent children as on the preceding 30th day of June on
Form B.
This issues with the approval of Election Commission of Pakistan.
(Omar Hamid Khan)
Election Commission of Pakistan
Copy forwarded for information to the:
(1) Secretary to the President, Aiwan-e-Sadr, Islamabad.
(2) Secretary to the Prime Minister, Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Islamabad.
(3) Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad.
(4) Secretary, Ministry of Interior, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Secretary, Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. (for implementation and
Circulation to all relevant Departments)
Secretary, Sonato Secretariat, Iclamabad.
Secretary, National Assembly of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Government of Pakistan, Rawalpindi.
(9) Secretary, Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. (for implementation and Circulation to all concerned)
(10) Principal Secretary to the Governor, Punjab, Lahore.
(11) Principal Secretary to Chief Minister of Punjab, Lahore.
(12) Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab, Lahore.
(13) Chief Secretary, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar.
(14) Registrar, Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad.
(15) Registrar, Lahore High Court, Lahore.
(16) Registrar, Peshawar High Court, Peshawar.
(17) Provincial Election Commissioner Punjab, Lahore.
(18) Provincial Election Commissioner Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar.
(19) Inspector General of Police, Punjab, Lahore.
(20) Inspector General of Police, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar.

II. Copy also forwarded to the:
Director General (Law)
Director General (IT- Policy & Planning)
Additional Director General (Training)
Additional Director General (GSI)
Additional Director General (Elections-II)
(6) Principal Staff Officer to Hon’ble CEC
Director to Hon’ble CEC
(8) Director (Elector Rolls)
(9) Director (MIS)
(10) Director (Political Finance)
(11) Director (MCO)
(12) Deputy Director (Budget)
(13) Deputy Director (Election-I & II)
(14) Deputy Director (Confd.)
(15) Deputy Director (Political Finance)
(16) Deputy Director (Training)
(17) Deputy Director (Web)
(18) Deputy Director (Law)
(19) PS to Hon’ble Members – I II, III & IV.
(20) Staff Officer to Secretary
(21) Assistant Director (Monitoring)
(22) PS to Additional Secretary (Admn)
(23) JPA to Special Secretary (ECP)
For implementation and Circulation to all
subordinate Departments
ECP Secretariat, Islamabad.
(Shahid Iqbal)
Additional Director General
Download PDF Notification 👇👇👇
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