2nd Year English Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board – FSc English Guess Papers

2nd Year English Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board – FSc English Guess Papers
2nd Year English Guess Paper 2024 Punjab Board
Table Of Contents
As the academic year progresses, students of the Punjab Board in their second year are keenly preparing for their upcoming English examination. An effective guess paper can be an essential resource, helping to focus revision efforts on the most likely areas to be examined. The following guess paper for the 2024 English exams aims to aid students in maximizing their study efficiency and achieving high scores.
Body of Guess Paper
This guess paper is crafted after analyzing past papers, teacher insights, and curriculum guidelines. It covers critical areas that are frequently tested, ensuring comprehensive preparation.
Predicted Essay Topics
- The impact of social media on youth
- Global warming and its effects
- Importance of education in modern society
Important Short Questions
- Explain the theme of “responsibility” in the poem “The Road Not Taken.”
- Discuss the character traits of the protagonist in the short story provided in your textbook.
Probable Long Questions
- Analyze the conflict in the play “An Inspector Calls.”
- Compare and contrast the main characters in the novels “Pride and Prejudice” and “Jane Eyre.”
Grammar and Composition
- Practice direct and indirect speech
- Focus on active and passive voice transformations
Table: Summary of Key Components to Study
Component | Details | Chapters/Units Involved |
Essays | Argumentative and descriptive | 2, 5, 9 |
Short Questions | Poems and prose analysis | Poems 1, 3, 5; Prose 2, 4 |
Long Questions | Detailed narrative analysis | Plays and novels |
Grammar and Composition | Sentence transformations | Throughout the course |
The provided guess paper for the 2024 Punjab Board English exam should serve as a strategic guide for focused study. By concentrating on these predicted topics and areas, students can enhance their preparation and approach the examination with greater confidence. Remember, while guess papers can be helpful, thorough understanding and wide-ranging study remain indispensable to success.

English Guess Papers 2024
2nd year English guess paper Punjab boards_2024
Lesson 1
(The dying sun)
Q. 1 (How is it that a âĤâĤ.. )
Q. 2 (What happened when âĤâĤ.. )
Q. 3 (Why is there no life âĤâĤ.)
Extra question 1 (What is planetary system?)
Extra Question 2 (What are stars?)
Extra Question 3 (What are planets and how did they come into existence?)
Extra Question 4 (How did our earth come into existence?)
Lesson 2 (Using the Scientific method)
Q. 1 (How has the scientific method helped âĤâĤ.)
Q.6. (How has the scientific method helped âĤâĤ.)
Details are in pdf version
Lesson 3 (Why boys fail in college)
Q. 2 ( How does mistaken ambition âĤ. )
Q. 4 ( How does financial pressure âĤâĤ. )
Q.5 see pdf file
Extra Questions 1 (What are two types of boy who fail in college?)
Lesson 5 ( On Destroying books)
All exercise questions
Lesson 7 (My financial career)
Q. 2 (Why did the manager come to think âĤâĤ. )
Q. 4 (What other blunders Leacock commit âĤâĤ )
Q. 5 (After misadventure in the bank âĤâĤ.. )
Lesson 9 (Hunger and population explosion)
Q. 1 ( What does hunger mean on âĤ.. )
Q. 4 ( What is main reason for âĤâĤ. )
Q. 8 (Why Is birth rate not so âĤâĤ. )
Lesson 11 (First year at Harrow)
Q. 3 (Why did not Churchill do âĤ.. )
Q. 4 (How did Churchill do his âĤâĤ ) OR How did Churchil perform in his entrance exams at Harrow?
Q. 7 (In after years how did âĤâĤ )
Extra question 1 (Why did Churchill dislike examinations?)
Lesson 14 (Luis Pasteur)
Q. 2 (Give some instances of âĤâĤ. )
Q. 3 (What do you mean by âĤ.. )
Q. 4 (How did Pasteur prove that âĤ.. )
Lesson 15 (Mustafa Kamal)
Q. 4 (Write a note on Mustafa Kamalâs âĤ.. )
Q. 1 (What was the attitude of âĤ.. )
Goodbye Mr. Chips important Chapters
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11 and 13
Important Essays
- Patriotism
- My Aim in Life
- Corruption
- Why I love Pakistan
- Importance of Muslim unity
- Pollution
- Place of Women is society
- Life in A Village
- My first day at college
- Uses and abuses of mobile phones
- Energy crisis
- A cricket match
- The Holy Quran
- My Hobby
Important Idioms and phrasal verbs
A catâs paw, above board, A narrow escape, maiden speech, A man of straw, at eleventh hour, at length, at sixes and sevens, at daggers drawn, at large, bad blood, call in, bread and butter, beat about the bush, break the ice, carry on, carry out, give away, get through, break away, break out, bag and baggage, for good, cold blood, dark horse, give in, put down, bring up, white elephant, above board, a queer fish, back out, birdâs eyeview, better half, carry the day, call a spade a spade, every inch, get rid of, hold water, null and void, rainy day, put on, carry off, come by, come across, draw a blank, end in smoke, fall out, in black and white, die in harness, heart and soul, pass away, put off, rainy day, smell a rat, lionâs.
Download Here Guess Paper PDF File 2024
1. How reliable is this guess paper?
While this guess paper is created with careful consideration of patterns and teacher inputs, students should use it as a guide alongside their broader studies.
2. Should I only prepare the topics listed here?
No, it is advisable to cover all syllabus topics to ensure preparedness for any variations in the exam questions.
3. How should I use this guess paper effectively?
Use this guess paper to prioritize and deepen your study on the listed topics while maintaining a baseline study routine for other areas.
4. Are grammar and composition important for the exams?
Yes, grammar and composition usually form a significant portion of the exam and practicing them can substantially boost your overall score.
5. Where can I find more practice papers and study materials?
Additional practice papers and study materials can typically be found on the Punjab Boardâs official website, in textbooks, and through various educational resources online.
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