Notification Regarding First Term (SBA) School Based Assessment 2023

Notification Regarding First Term (SBA) School Based Assessment 2023.
Notification of First Term School Based Assessment (SBA) 2023
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Enclosed please find herewith a copy of the letter No. SO (ER-I) 1-19/2018 dated 19-09-2023 addressed to Chief Executive Officer, Punjab Examination Commission (PEC). And copy endorsed to you with the direction for facilitation and implementation in letter & spirit on the subject cited above.
- You are, therefore, directed to ensure strict compliance and implementation of these instructions and directions in true letter & spirit.
DIRECTOR (A&G) 28/69/2013. For DIRECTOR PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (EE). PUNJAB, LAHORE 12/21/9/2023. The Section Officer (ER-I) Govt. of the Punjab, School Education Department with reference to his letter referred above.
SBA First Term 2023
I am directed to refer your Note for Secretary. School Education Department bearing Diary No. 836 dated 12.09.2023 on the subject cited above and to convey that following instructions / directions be adhered in letter & spirit.
i. PEC shall ensure that the results of the School Based Assessment (SBA) are upload on the School Information System (SIS). Paper printing charges shall be incurred from the existing PEC budget and schools shall not utilize current NSB for this purpose. PEC shall share the database statistics, including the schools/teachers who generated the papers and the Student
Learning Outcomes (SLO) or subject-wise outcomes of the assessment.
iv. To ensure transparency, the PEC shall not constitute any monitoring team/committee for field monitoring. Instead the PEC shall establish an internal cell to collect. And address queries related to system glitches and shall refer cases of administrative nature to SED. SED shall constitute the Monitoring Teams and monitoring cost shall be incurred from the existing PEC budget as per PEC rules.
vi. PEC shall submit comprehensive annual plan. And seek prior approval from this Department before initiating any activity related to the subject matter.
vii. PEC shall observe following schedule regarding each term of School Based Assessment.

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