NTDC Jobs 2023 Lahore Apply Online (WAPDA)

NTDC Jobs 2023 Lahore Apply Online (WAPDA)
NTDC Jobs in WAPDA 2023
Table Of Contents
The National Transmission and Despatch Company NTDC Jobs 2023 are announced in Lahore through online job portal www.ntdc.com.pk/careers.
The company invites energetic and experienced applicants for the positions in NTDC located at Lahore for market competitive salary package on contract basis.
NTDC Jobs in WAPDA 2023
The National Transmission and Despatch Company NTDC Jobs 2023 are announced in Lahore through online job portal www.ntdc.com.pk/careers.
Latest NTDC Jobs 2023 Lahore Apply Online (WAPDA)
- Posted on August 14, 2023
- Last Date August 28, 2023
- source express newspaper
- Organization National Transmission and Dispatch Company NTDC
- multiple number of seats
- Job Location Lahore, Punjab
Vacancy Details for NTDC Jobs 2023
Advertisement No. 01
Post Name & Qualification
- Corporate Accounts Deputy
- Legal Representation
- Deputy Sybil
- Representative Corporate Account
- Proxy Audit
- Machine Proxy
- Personnel by Proxy
- Surrogate Security
Advertisement No. 02
Post Name & Qualification
- CA/CMA Chief Internal Auditor
How to apply online for jobs in NTDC Lahore?
Applicants are encouraged to apply online using the prescribed application form available on the NTS website (www.nts.org.pk).
Applicants should possess relevant degree/equivalent recognized by HEC/IBCC etc.
Applicants awaiting result are not eligible to apply.
Copies of education documents/experience certificates are not required at this stage.
Applicants are requested to pay the test fee of 1,000,000 won. 650/- as directed by NTS.
Candidates applying for different quota in the categories mentioned above will be considered if they have addresses in the same districts and provinces as mentioned for each.
We adhere to certain quotas in accordance with our policies, such as for children of employees, minorities and people with disabilities.
Candidates willing to apply for NTDC Employees Child Quota can check the appropriate box given on NTS Application.
Applicants applying for NTDC employee child quota must attach all the relevant documents mentioned in the application form along with parent’s CNIC and NTDC employee ID card.
You will also have to give details that your brother/sister or widowed mother is not already employed by NTDC against employee child quota.
The normal age relaxation of five (05) years is already included in the age limit.
Candidates belonging to Specified Castes, Buddhist Communities, Tribal Areas (Ex-FATA), Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir, Sindh (Rural) and Balochistan lacking recognition can relax the upper age limit by 3 years.
Full time NTDC/Government employees who have completed two years of continuous service as on the last date of application will be given a break of 10 years from the prescribed age limit.
However, it should be implemented in a proper way.
The age limit is relaxable up to 10 years for persons with disabilities.
If a candidate qualifies for age relaxation in more than one category, he/she is allowed age relaxation in only one category.
Once the candidate is selected, he/she will be required to perform the duties in respective NTDC region anywhere in Pakistan.
Applicants will have to produce original documents / degree / certificate / NOC (for NTDC/Government officials) at the time of interview.
Candidates may contact NTS for queries/enquiries regarding written test, provisional and final candidate lists, roll number slips, test centres, result etc.
Candidates applying for minority or disability quota posts will have to submit minority/disability certification from the concerned authority.
Only eligible/finally successful candidates are selected in document/interview.
Candidates who have been dismissed on disciplinary grounds or debarred from future employment are not eligible to apply.
The above BPS based posts are considered eligible for normalization on successful completion of contract period and satisfactory performance as per rules.
Incomplete applications or applications containing incorrect information will be disqualified at all stages even after recruitment.
TA/DA is not allowed for test or interview candidates.
NTDC reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts and suspend the recruitment process at any stage.
The last date to apply online for National Transmission and Despatch Company NTDC Jobs in Lahore is 28 August 2023.
Official Advertisement of National Transmission and Despatch Company NTDC Jobs 2023

Advertisement No. 01
Last Date: 28 August 2023
NTDC Jobs 2023 Lahore Apply Online (WAPDA)

Advertisement No. 02
Last Date: August 15, 2023
NTDC Jobs 2023 Lahore Apply Online (WAPDA)
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