
PARC Jobs 2022.

PARC Jobs 2022.


Latest Government Jobs In PARC 2022.

Pakistan Agriculture Research Council Jobs 2022.




Latest Government Jobs In PARC 2022.

Pakistan Agriculture Research Council Jobs 2022.

Published On : 05 April 2022.

Last Date : 19 April 2022.

Age Limit : 18 – 45 Years. 

Vacancies : Principal Scientific Officer,  Senior Scientific Officer, Assistant and Others Latest. 




Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) is the summit public association working in close coordinated effort with other government and common foundations in the country to give science based answers for farming of Pakistan through its legal capacities.


Administration Structure


The general choice – making assortment of PARC is its Board of Governors (BOG), answerable for the control, heading and administration of the issues of PARC. The Board is aided its activity by various Committees. The Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, GoP is the President of the Board.


Leader Committee


Leader Committee including Chairman and Members of the Council is the chief authoritative body answerable for execution of all approaches and releasing the elements of the Council. Matters connecting with research arranging, coordination, spending plan and strategy detailing are alluded to the Board for looking for its direction and general course.


Bury Provincial Agriculture Research Coordination Committee (IPARCC)


IPARCC is a warning body of the gathering answerable for between common coordination between the government and commonplace agrarian exploration arrangement of Pakistan.




Director PARC is the Chief Executive of the Council. He is helped by 5 Technical Members and 2 individuals from Services Divisions.


Elements of PARC


 The elements of PARC as set down in PARC Ordinance 1981 are as per the following:


to attempt, help, advance and direction agrarian exploration;

to orchestrate quick usage of examination results;

to lay out research foundations primarily to fill in the holes in existing projects of agrarian exploration;

to orchestrate the preparation of significant level logical labor in agrarian sciences;

to produce, get and spread data connecting with farming;

to lay out and keep a reference and examination library; and

to fill some other roles connected with the issues aforementioned.

Hierarchical Structure





As of now, PARC has seven divisions; five specialized divisions: “Plant Sciences”, “Creature Sciences”, “Sociologies”, “Normal Resources”, “Rural Engineering” and Two administrations divisions: “Money” and “Coordination and Monitoring”.


The exercises of different specialized divisions connected with legal elements of PARC are taken care of through in house research foundations of PARC and through countrywide agreeable examination programs on different products, MOU’s with public/global exploration associations, PSDP financed projects and furthermore through serious award of Agricultural linkages Program, Ministry of Science and Technology and different establishments.


Plant Sciences


The focal point of exercises in the field of yield sciences is to get independence the significant food items; import replacement through improved nearby creation, esteem expansion, post-collect administration, and reception of asset protection advances.


Regular Resources


The center is arranged towards recovery of inventive advancements for effective administration of land and water assets and for helping the horticultural efficiency under the parched and sloping ecological circumstances.


Creature Sciences


The goal of PARC exercises on creature sciences is improvement of creation capability of creature hereditary assets accessible in the country. The exploration tends to regions like Animal Health, Animal Nutrition, Animal Reproduction, Dairy Technology, Breeding of Small and Large Ruminants and Aquaculture and Fisheries.




Sociologies assume a vital part in connecting yield and animals improvement and asset the board examination into genuine cultivating frameworks; in breaking down how well new advancements address ranchers’ issues; and distinguishing and assisting with settling requirements to innovation reception. It likewise overcomes any issues between strategy creators and cultivators by making them mindful of the issue.

Agrarian Engineering


Rural Engineering Devision has been laid out in 2014 in compatibility of choice of PARC Board of Governors taken in its 37th gathering. The division’s command is to zero in on research in the space of farming motorization, post collect handling, esteem expansion, food designing, and environmentally friendly power innovations.


PARC Establishments


PARC has fundamental ten Research Establishments all through the nation where examination is directed by the agro-natural requirements of different areas.


Public Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Islamabad


Spread over an all out land area of roughly 1400 sections of land situated close to Rawal Lake, six kilometers south-east of Islamabad, on the Park Road, stands the National Agricultural Research Center as a one of a kind Center of Excellence. It involves all the sub areas of farming and is commanded to seek after mission arranged research with full verifiable enthusiasm for the all around existing commonplace exploration foundations and the colleges. It establishes a fundamental part of National Agricultural Research System (NARS). Laid out in 1984, NARC is the biggest examination place comprising 19 organizations directing exploration on immeasurably significant fields of agribusiness.


Southern-Zone Agricultural Research Center, Karachi


SARC one of the significant exploration foundations of PARC is situated in Sindh, Pakistan with its base camp at the University of Karachi, Karachi. The primary focal point of SARC is to embrace research on specific disciplines of public and territorial significance connected with grain capacity the executives, grain quality control, bother control the board, crop sicknesses, seaside horticultural, vertebrate nuisance control, sugarcane exploration and peri-metropolitan dairying.


Public Sugarcane Research Institute (NSCRI) Thatta


Set up in the beach front zone of Sindh to lead research on rearing of further developed sugarcane assortments


Balochistan Agricultural Research and Development Center (BARDC) Quetta


“Bone-dry Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Quetta” was updated as “Parched Zone Research Center (AZRC), Quetta” in 1996. The Center has been renamed in 2014 as “Balochistan Agricultural Research and Development Center (BARDC), Quetta” and redesigned with foundation of five new instututes in Khuzdar, Lasbella, Turbat, jafferabad and Barkhan.


Bone-dry Zone Research Center , D.I. Khan, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa


Bone-dry Zone Research Institute (AZRI), D.I. Khan laid out as sub-station in 1974; was up-evaluated to the degree of establishment during 1996, as of late Arid Zone Research Institute has been overhauled as Arid Zone Research Center (AZRC), D. I. Khan with impact from 31st August 2015.The focus has four foundations in Wana, Miran Shah, Tank and Lakki Marwat.


Public Tea and High Value Crops Research Institute (NTHRI), Mansehra


The significant exploration push of the establishment is to foster tea creation innovation including the choice of reasonable assortments, normalization of agronomic practices and handling methods. It is likewise leading exploration on high worth yields nearby.


Summer Agricultural Research Station, Kaghan


The foundation is an exceptional office with PARC to accelerate the improvement of high yielding assortments by chopping down the assortment advancement period to half utilizing its high elevation conditions. Two editing seasons can be benefited because of this office, one in planes and the other Kaghan.


Mountain Agricultural Research Center (MARC), Gilgit


The Center is leading exploration on deciduous natural products, vegetables, wheat, maize, food vegetables, ranger service, therapeutic plants, and flavors, and so forth in the high elevation bone-dry district.


Coordination and linkages


PARC works in close coordinated effort with common examination organizations and the colleges. The Provincial Secretaries of Agriculture, Livestock and Forestry Departments, Vice Chancellors of Agricultural Universities and ranchers/end-clients are addressed on the PARC Board of Governors (BOG). The coordinated effort has been additionally systematized by PARC through the gathering of Research Advisory Committee on which the commonplace Directors General/Directors of Research/Extension Departments, University Professors too moderate ranchers are addressed.


Public Coordinated research programs on various yield items are being executed by PARC as a team with the commonplace/government research/instruction foundations and these give one more system to reinforcing the PARC linkages. PARC likewise supports research in the common foundations on need issues through agreement research projects which are carried out by researchers of territories and colleges.


PARC is leading National Uniform Yield Trials (NUYT) which targets assessing competitor assortments created by the raisers of the government/common establishments/stations for their yield capacity, transformation to various agro-environmental zones, illness opposition and other trademark.


Public Coordination


Services of “Public Food Security and Research”, “Planningm Development and Reforms” and “Science and Technology” are addressed on the Board of Governors of PARC. Issues of public significance bearing on farming innovative work in the nation and recognized in the PARC Board of Governors are taken up with the concerned government services/offices. Likewise , PARC logical staff serves on the Technical Committees and Governing Bodies of government associations like PCRWR, PAEC, STEDEC, Federal Committee on Agriculture, University Grants Commission, Universitites and arranging and Development Division.


Global Cooperation and Linkages


USAID and World Bank have been the significant contributors to the public horticultural exploration arrangement of Pakistan. The help of Canada (CIDA, IDRC) UNDP/FAO, AIDAB, ADAB, ACIAR (Australia), Japan, Switzerland and Italy has likewise been significant. PARC fills in as the fundamental channel to the Pakistan’s public rural examination network for admittance to CGIAR’s framework.


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