Provision of Personal Files for 50% In-Service Promotion EST BBS-15 to SST BPS-16 (All Categories)

Provision of Personal Files for 50% In-Service Promotion EST BBS-15 to SST BPS-16 (All Categories)
Applications on prescribed format from amongst the ESTS Male & Female (All categories) BS-15 working in Boys Higher Secondary/Secondary / Elementary/ Primary Schools and ESTS Female
Category of Teachers | Appointed as EST Up to | Eligibility Criteria as per service rules, 2014 |
ESTs (Arts) All Categories (Male Wing) BS-15 | 06.10.1998 | i). M.A (2nd Div) from a recognized University and<br>ii). M.Ed, M.A (Edu) or B.Ed (2nd Div) a recognized University or<br>iii). B.Ed (Hons) (Four years degree) from a recognized University |
ESTs (Sci) All Categories (Male Wing) BS-15 | 22.02.1997 | i). M.Sc (2nd Div) in Physics, Chemistry, Math, Zoology, Biology or Botany from a recognized University.<br>ii). M.Ed, M.A (Edu) or B.Ed (2nd Div) a recognized University |
ESTs (Arts) All Categories (Female Wing) BS-15 | 19.11.1987 | i). M.A (2nd Div) from a recognized University and<br>ii). M.Ed, M.A (Edu) or B.Ed (2nd Div) a recognized University or<br>iii). B.Ed (Hons) (Four years degree) from a recognized University |
ESTs (Sci) All Categories (Female Wing) BS-15 | 23.03.1988 | i). M.Sc (2nd Div) in Physics, Chemistry, Math, Zoology, Biology or Botany from a recognized University.<br>ii). M.Ed, M.A (Edu) or B.Ed (2nd Div) a recognized University |
(All categories) working in Girls Higher Secondary/Secondary / Elementary / Primary / Model Primary Schools in District Chakwal for promotion as SST (Arts & Science) Male & Female out of 50% in-service quota are invited and required to be deposited along with relevant attested document(s) on or before 22.11.2023 in the office of undersigned. ESTs (all categories) appointed on or before following dates are expected to be promoted as SSTS, subject to their seniority, fulfillment of criteria for promotion and other codal formalities
Designation | Eligibility Criteria | Requirements |
ESTS Male & Female (All categories) BS-15 | Working in Boys Higher Secondary/Secondary / Elementary/ Primary Schools or Girls Higher Secondary/Secondary / Elementary / Primary / Model Primary Schools in District Chakwal | Applications on prescribed format along with relevant attested document(s) to be submitted on or before 22.11.2023 |
ESTS (all categories) | Appointed on or before following dates | Expected to be promoted as SSTS, subject to their seniority, fulfillment of criteria for promotion and other codal formalities |

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