Revised Passing Marks Criteria for Matric & Inter September 2023-2024

Revised Passing Marks Criteria for Matric & Inter September 2023-2024
New Matriculation and Intermediate Revised Passing Marks Criteria 2023-2024
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BOARD OF INTERMEDIATE & SECONDARY EDUCATION. It is hereby notified that in 518th Board Meeting of the BISE Lahore, dated 29.08.2023 vide Table item No.3, the House unanimously decided that in order to pass a subject, a candidate must obtain at least 33% of the total marks allotted to the subject, provided that. Minimum passing marks for 10th and intermediate revised 33 percent 2023-24.
I. The Candidate must obtain at-least 33% cumulative marks in theory papers I and II and;
II. The overall aggregate of the subject including practical and theory papers I and II becomes 33%,
III. In case where a candidate obtains marks less than 33% in aggregate or in theory papers (I and II), the candidate has to reappear in the particular paper (I or II) or Practical where the score is less than 33%.
Physics has 200 Marks in total. Part-I and II have 170 (85+85) and practical paper has 30 marks. If the candidate obtains 66/200 (33%) in Physics (Theory + Practical) he/she will be declared pass provided that the candidate has obtained at-least 56/170 (33%) in theory papers alone. In case of less than 66/200 (33%) aggregate marks or less than 56/170 (33%) marks in theory alone. Matric, and inter passing marks to 33 percent across Pakistan
i. The candidate may reappear in the particular paper only (I or II) where marks are less than 28 or
ii. In practical only if marks are less than 10.

Revised passing criteria of matric and
intermediate in urdu
Revised passing criteria of matric and
intermediate 2023
Matric passing marks 2023
New grading system in Pakistan 2023
Sindh board grading system 2023
Matric grading system in Pakistan
All Results
Reappear in Part-Il Theory
Reappear in Part-i Theory
Reappear in Practical
Reappear in Paper-Il Theory & Practical
Reappear in Paper-I Theory & Practical
Reappear in Paper-I Theory, Part-Il Theory & Practical
Reappear in Paper-I and II Theory
It was further decided that this revised policy will be implemented with immediate effect. Matric and Inter students with 33pc marks criteria in theory and practical to be considered pass overall
A Copy is forwarded for information and further necessary action to:
1) PS to Chairman, BISE, Lahore.
2) PA to Secretary, BISE, Lahore.
3) PA to Controller of Examinations, BISE, Lahore.
4) PA to Audit Officer, BISE, Lahore.
5) Concerned Branch(es), BISE, Lahore.
6) Notification File.

The minimum passing marks for Matriculation and Inter has been increased to 33%. Matric, intermediate passing marks will be increased by 33% across Pakistan. Matriculation, inter students with 33pc marks in theory will be considered pass overall.
The committee agreed to raise the minimum passing marks in intermediate and matric from 33%.
It was also agreed to make teaching of Holy Quran compulsory for Muslim students of matriculation and intermediate. In the meeting formal approval was also given to include chess in sports. Education Board’s Revised Passing Policy for 2024 Policy Explanation Punjab Board Announces New Policy Regarding Passing Marks of Students Good News for Students.

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