Education (SED)LND SLOS
Download LND SLOS August 2023 PDF

Download LND SLOS August 2023 PDF
Table Of Contents
Complete equation such as
- 4 =7 (include questions that O
sum up to 20).
Identify the figures like
square, rectangle, triangle,
circle, semi-circle and
- Add or subtract upto 3-digit
- numbers and 3-digit numbers
- with carrying/borrowing of
- tens and hundreds
- Multiply / Divide numbers
- within multiplication table O
- with remainder zero.
- Recognize and name unit
- fractions up to 1/12
- Read and write the time from
- a clock in hours and minutes
- (with five minute intervals)
- e.g., read 8:15 as eight fifteen
- and 8:50 as eight fifty.

English LND August SLOS PDF 2023
- Articulate, identify and match
- capital and small letters of
- the alphabet in a series and in
- random order.
- Identify and change the
- number of simple naming
- words by adding or removing
- “s” and “es”
- Identify simple one/two/three
- syllable words with correct
- spellings.
- Read common action words
- and match with pictures.
- Use is, are and am, pronouns,
- prepposition and basic
- punctuation.
- Interact with text and use
- reading strategies (while
- reading) to locate specific
- factual information to answer
- in a word or two simple short
- questions.

Urdu AILL LND SLOS Download PDF 2023
- حروف تہجی کی شناخت کر سکے
- واحد کے جمع کی شناخت کر سکیں
- گے۔
- حروف ، الفاظ کو جوڑ توڑ کے ساتھ
- ا
- لکھ سکے (حروف کی مختلف شکلوں
- کی صورت میں)۔
- دوحرفی، سہ حرفی اور چہار حرفی
- ارکان الفاظ لکھ سکے.شناخت کر
- سکیں۔
- فاعل، فعل، مفعول کی ترتیب سمجھ
- سکے۔
- سادہ جملے اور ان پر مبنی عبارت
- سمجھ کر پڑھ سکے

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