EaSTE training Inspection In Schools 2023

EaSTE Training Inspection In Schools 2023
Easte Training Inspection In Schools
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All CEOs DEAs in Punjab.
I am directed to intimate that AKADEMOS or enumerators are visiting selected schools list enclosed to collect basline data for impact assessment of EaSTE Project from 7 March 2023.
I am further directed to request to extend your support to them.
SO (Training)
School Education Department
پراجیکٹ EaSTE
کے اثرات چیک کرنے کے لئے ٹیمز ان اسکولز کو وزٹ کریں گی۔کلاسسز کو چیک کریں گی۔ٹیچرز کا لیسن لیں گی۔سٹوڈنٹس کی انگلش سپیکنگ سکل چیک کریں گی۔
Feedback lain gay District Qaed Team members hon gay.
Easte Training Inspection In schools
All CEOs,DEAs in Punjab.
I am directed to intimate that AKADEMOS enumerators are visiting selected schools list enclosed to collect basline data for impact assessment of EaSTE Project from 7 March 2023.
I am further directed to request to extend your support to them.
SO (Training)
School Education Department
Download Here List Of Schools Name In PDF File 👇👇👇
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